

These Tie-Dye T-shirts were custom created with proceeds going to Anna's medical fund. Each one is handmade by family member Michael Noss (affectionately known as SKIPPING DAD) and donated by the Noss/Hartmann family. Available in adult and kids sizes. Skipping Dad was started by Michael Noss as a way to share joy and good vibes! 

Dravet syndrome is a rare, catastrophic, lifelong form of epilepsy that begins in the first year of life with frequent and/or prolonged seizures. Previously known as Severe Myoclonic Epilepsy Infancy (SMEI), it affects 1:15,700 individuals, 80% of whom have a mutation in their SCN1A gene. Current treatment options are limited, and the constant care required for someone suffering from Dravet syndrome can severely impact the patient's and the family's quality of life.